Our logo

The Amami Kokuto Shochu logo symbolizes the lush nature of the Amami Islands and the passions of the 26 Amami Kokuto Shochu distillers.
The Amami Islands is known as the “Galapagos of the East” because of its rare wild animals and plants. The little bird in the logo is the Amami Jay, one of the islands’ gems.

Other indigenous lives of the Islands include the small Ryukyu robin with its red feathers and adorable chirp, the black Amami rabbit, wild orchids that blossom in the forests, and rare shrimp and shellfish in the surrounding waters.

Amami Kokuto Shochu distillers—only 26 in the world— are passionate about this environment, as well as the culture and the history that has fostered their shochu.
They are also passionate about having more people enjoy their exquisitely made Amami Kokuto Shochu. If you liked what you saw on this website, please come and visit to taste Amami Kokuto Shochu.

Amami Oshima Distilleries Association
/ Amami branch, Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association
All distilleries which make Amami Kokuto Shochu in the Amami Islands are members of the Amami Oshima Distilleries Association, which is also the Amami branch, Kagoshima Shochu Makers Association.
15-1 Nazeminatomachi, Amami City, Kagoshima 894-0026
TEL 0997-52-0611 FAX 0997-52-0615