About Us Amami Kokuto Shochu Distilleries across the Amami Islands


The island has two to three hundred large limestone caves and abundant subtropical flowers. It is an island of raised coral reef with robust groundwater. 94 square kilometers.

Location Distillery WEB
Okinoerabu Okinoerabu-shuzo. Co. Ltd. https://www.inenotsuyu.com/
Okinoerabu Niiro Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Okinoerabu Harada Shuzo Co., Ltd. http://www.haradasyuzo.com/index.html
Okinoerabu Oki Shuzo
Okinoerabu Saota Shuzo
Okinoerabu Kanzaki Sangyo
Okinoerabu Amami Oshima Nishikawa Shuzo Co., Ltd. https://syuzouonline.shop-pro.jp/
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